title=Fokker 50 Air Nostrum

stick_shaker_magnitude=8000		; 0 - 10000
stick_shaker_direction=18000		; 0 - 35999 degrees
stick_shaker_period=111111		; in microseconds
gear_bump_nose_magnitude=6000		; 0 - 10000
gear_bump_nose_direction=18000		; 0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_nose_duration=250000		; in microseconds
gear_bump_left_magnitude=5700		; 0 - 10000
gear_bump_left_direction=355000		; 0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_left_duration=250000		; in microseconds
gear_bump_right_magnitude=5700		; 0 - 10000
gear_bump_right_direction=79000		; 0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_right_duration=250000		; in microseconds
ground_bumps_magnitude1=3300		; 0 - 10000
ground_bumps_angle1=08900		; 0 - 35999 degrees
ground_bumps_magnitude2=720		; 0 - 10000
ground_bumps_angle2=09100		; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_magnitude1=10000			; 0 - 10000
crash_direction1=01000			; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_magnitude2=10000			; 0 - 10000
crash_direction2=9000			; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_period2=75000			; in microseconds
crash_duration2=2500000			; in microseconds

;Place for comments
empty_weight = 27600			// (pounds)
reference_datum_position     =    0.0, 0, 0		// (feet) distance from FlightSim Reference position: (1/4 chord, centerline, waterline)
empty_weight_CG_position     = 1.79, 0, 0	// (feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from specified datum
max_number_of_stations = 50
station_load.0  =  170.00,  24.73,  -2.00,  1.38  \\Pilot
station_load.1  =  170.00,  24.73,  2.00,  1.38  \\Co-Pilot
station_load.2  =  120.00,  22.12,  -3.02,  0.49  \\Stewardess
station_load.3  =  72.00,  19.12,  3.02,  0.49  \Baggage
station_load.4  =  0.00,  12.98,  3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.5  =  0.00,  10.85,  3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.6  =  340.00,  8.72,  3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.7  =  340.00,  6.59,  3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.8  =  340.00,  5.54,  3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.9  =  340.00, 3.67,  3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.10  =  340.00,  1.80,  3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.11  =  340.00,  -1.93,  3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.12  =  340.00,  -3.06,  3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.13  =  340.00,  -6.19,  3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.14  =  0.00,  -8.32,  3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.15  =  0.00,  -10.45,  3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.16  =  0.00,  -12.58,  3.89,  0.49  \\Passenger
station_load.17  =  340.00,  0.98,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.18  =  340.00,  10.85,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.19  =  340.00,  8.72,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.20  =  340.00,  6.59,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.21  =  340.00, 5.54,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.22  =  340.00,  3.67,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.23  =  340.00,  1.80,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.24  =  340.00,  -1.93,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.25  =  340.00,  -4.06,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.26  =  340.00,  -6.19,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.27  =  0.00,  -8.32,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.28  =  0.00,  -10.45,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Pair of Passengers
station_load.29  =  0.00,  -12.58,  -3.89,  0.49  \\Passenger
station_load.30  =  540.00,  21.70,  0.00,  0.49  \\Front Baggage section
station_load.31  =  72.00,  -19.00,  0.00,  0.49  \\Dress
station_load.32  =  0.00,  -23.00,  0.00,  0.49  \\Back Baggage section
station_load.33  =  170.00,  -18.00,  3.89,  0.49  \\Stewardess
station_load.34  =  200.00,  -14.00,  3.89,  0.49  \\Food

power_scalar =1.0

thrust_scalar =1.0

main_gear_static_compression   = 0.4		
center_gear_static_compression = 0.3           
main_gear_damping_ratio	       = 0.7		
center_gear_damping_ratio      = 0.7